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What is International Men’s Day?

International Men’s Day raises awareness of issues that men face, including abuse, suicide, violence, homelessness and much more. With the aim being to raise awareness and celebrate the lives, achievements and contributions that men contribute.

The International Men’s Day 2023 theme is “ZERO MALE SUICIDE” and highlights the shocking statistics that surround this issue.

In a world that relies on technology for almost everything, the amount of human connection is ever decreasing. Amongst men in particular, that amount can be desperately low, leaving many to feel isolated and alone. With statistics painting a dark picture of high male suicide rates, this International Men’s Day we want to offer some resources to reach those with no one to turn to.

With many charities, communities and groups out there who help, we wanted to create place to find resources, contacts and information.

Need to talk:

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (24/7): 0800 138 1692

Samaritans: 116 123

RABI: 0800 188 4444

Thrive: 0188 988 5688

Mind’s Mindline: 0800 138 1692 or 01823 276 892

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) :0800 58 58 58

The Mix (Under 25s): 0808 808 4994

National Suicide Prevention Helpline: 0800 689 5652

Switchboard (LGBTQ): 0800 0119 100


Using gardening to change lives, Thrive work with a number of incredible ambassadors to spread the word about how gardening can aid wellbeing and mental health. Below are some links about the work they do and how gardening can help you.

Click here to read more about how gardening can assist your everyday life.

Mark Lane’s story – gardening for mental health

Jason Williams: why plants are great friends to support your mental health